- 117.005 Repealed, 1988.
- 117.010 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.015 State Board of Elections -- Powers, duties, membership.
- 117.020 Declaration by state board of county's status as a preclearance county.
- 117.022 Judicial declaration of existence of election crisis -- Effect.
- 117.025 Executive director and assistant -- Staff -- Powers and duties.
- 117.027 State board to promulgate record-keeping requirements.
- 117.030 Announcements and signs regarding importance of voting -- Notice of illegal acts, penalties, and right to report administrative errors at polling places.
- 117.035 County board of elections -- Membership -- Appointed members -- Meetings -- Staff in counties containing city of first or second class.
- 117.040 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.045 Precinct election officers -- Alternate and emergency appointments -- Minors permitted to serve as election officers.
- 117.050 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.055 Division of county into precincts -- Maps -- Failure of board to perform duty -- Coordination of precinct boundary changes with other boundaries.
- 117.0551 Boundaries of precincts.
- 117.0552 Procedure for establishing precincts.
- 117.0553 Review and approval of precinct establishment order -- Resubmission of returned orders.
- 117.0554 Request for exemption -- Procedure.
- 117.0555 Hearing on returned order believed by county board to be in compliance.
- 117.0556 Information to be supplied to Legislative Research Commission -- Opportunity for comment.
- 117.0557 Schedule of actions for compliance with KRS 117.055 and 117.0551.
- 117.056 Maintenance of boundaries of election precincts.
- 117.057 Repealed, 1982.
- 117.058 Legislative approval for certain boundary changes.
- 117.060 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.065 Establishing voting places for precincts -- Change -- Expense -- Authority to designate as voting places buildings constructed with tax revenues -- Voter accessibility -- Immediate telephone a
- 117.066 Ability of precinct with small number of voters to use voting facilities and election officers of larger precinct.
- 117.070 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.075 Absentee ballots for voters with disabilities.
- 117.077 Absentee ballot for medical emergencies.
- 117.079 Administrative regulations for absentee voting by overseas Kentucky military personnel and other citizens.
- 117.080 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.085 Application for mail-in absentee ballot -- In-person absentee voting in the clerk's office -- Supervision of and challengers for absentee voting -- Form of ballot -- Cancellation of absent
- 117.0851 Tabulation of absentee ballots.
- 117.086 Marking of absentee ballot -- Deposit of returned ballots -- Record.
- 117.0863 Assistance in voting by absentee ballot -- Form required of voter and assistant.
- 117.0865 Prohibition against influencing voter completing an absentee ballot -- Penalty.
- 117.087 Challenge of an absentee ballot -- Counting procedure -- Persons permitted to observe.
- 117.088 Pilot program for unassisted voting by blind and visually impaired persons.
- 117.090 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.100 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.105 Purchase or lease of voting machines.
- 117.110 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.115 Power to select make of machine.
- 117.120 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.125 Specifications and features required for approval.
- 117.130 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.135 Custody of machines.
- 117.140 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.145 Preparation of ballot labels, absentee ballots and supplemental paper ballots -- Provision for write-in votes.
- 117.150 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.155 Arrangement of ballot labels -- Preparation of machines -- Record.
- 117.160 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.165 Examination of machines by county board -- Approval -- Delivery of election supplies to precinct.
- 117.170 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.175 Instruction cards.
- 117.180 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.185 Repealed, 1988.
- 117.187 Training regarding election laws for state and county officials -- Training and compensation for election officers and training for certified challengers.
- 117.190 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.195 Delivery of machines to precincts -- Arrangement in voting place -- Delivery of supplemental paper ballots, voting booths, supplies, and ballot box to each precinct -- County clerk to take rec
- 117.200 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.205 Examination by election officers -- Correction of defects -- Reserve voting machine.
- 117.210 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.215 Procedure when machine becomes unusable during election -- Counting of votes -- Backup voting machine or supplemental paper ballots for emergency use.
- 117.220 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.225 Voter's signature -- Use of original registration forms to compare signature -- Voting supplemental paper ballot.
- 117.227 Confirmation of voter's identity.
- 117.230 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.235 Persons permitted in voting room -- Prohibited activities -- Exit polls permitted -- Maintenance of order -- Mock elections for school children.
- 117.236 Prohibition against recording identity of voters -- Exception, state-approved signature roster.
- 117.237 Request for Department of Kentucky State Police to patrol voting precinct during polling hours and investigate reported violations -- Reports to prosecutors.
- 117.240 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.245 Procedure when voter's right to vote disputed.
- 117.250 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.255 Instruction of voters -- Assistance and certification of voters requiring assistance -- Manner of voting -- Report of violations.
- 117.260 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.265 Write-in votes.
- 117.270 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.275 Counting and certification of votes -- Return of keys and machines -- Return of ballot box, ballot stubs, spoiled, and unvoted ballots -- Authorized representatives and news media representati
- 117.280 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.285 Repealed, 2010.
- 117.290 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.295 Period machines to remain locked -- Custody of keys.
- 117.300 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.305 Recanvass of votes -- Test of machines -- Candidates and representatives of political parties and news media to observe recanvass -- Forms for reporting recanvassed vote -- Administrative regu
- 117.310 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.315 Appointment of challengers and inspectors.
- 117.316 Duties of challenger.
- 117.317 Acts prohibited to challengers.
- 117.318 Ordering of challengers from polling places.
- 117.320 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.325 Repealed and reenacted as KRS 117.086, effective July 15, 1980.
- 117.330 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.335 Repealed and reenacted as KRS 117.087, effective July 15, 1980.
- 117.340 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.343 Reimbursement of county clerk by state board for certain election related expenses -- Submission of claims.
- 117.345 Cost of elections -- Payment.
- 117.350 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.355 Election reports to be made by the precinct election sheriff and county board of elections -- Contents.
- 117.360 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.365 Presentation of voter assistance forms and absentee ballot applications by county clerk to grand jury -- Certified photocopies.
- 117.370 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.375 Definitions.
- 117.377 Acquisition or abandonment of voting system subject to approval of State Board of Elections -- Petition in emergency situation.
- 117.379 Examination of electronic voting system by State Board of Elections.
- 117.380 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.381 Requirements for approval.
- 117.383 Rules and regulations.
- 117.385 Spoiled or defaced ballot card -- Disposition of ballot card after voting.
- 117.387 Absentee voting by electronic system.
- 117.389 Testing of automatic tabulating equipment prior to election.
- 117.390 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.391 Application.
- 117.393 Biennial report on status of voting equipment and systems.
- 117.400 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.405 Repealed, 1984.
- 117.410 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.415 Repealed, 1984.
- 117.420 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.425 Repealed, 1984.
- 117.430 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.435 Repealed, 1984.
- 117.440 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.445 Repealed, 1984.
- 117.450 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.455 Repealed, 1984.
- 117.460 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.465 Repealed, 1984.
- 117.470 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.475 Repealed, 1984.
- 117.480 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.485 Repealed, 1984.
- 117.490 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.495 Repealed, 1984.
- 117.500 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.505 Repealed, 1984.
- 117.510 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.515 Repealed, 1984.
- 117.520 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.525 Repealed, 1984.
- 117.530 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.540 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.541 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.542 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.543 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.544 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.545 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.550 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.560 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.570 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.580 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.590 Repealed, 1952.
- 117.600 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.605 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.610 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.615 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.620 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.625 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.630 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.635 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.640 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.645 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.650 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.655 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.660 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.665 Repealed, 1973.
- 117.670 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.675 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.680 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.685 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.690 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.695 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.700 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.705 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.710 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.715 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.720 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.725 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.730 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.735 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.740 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.745 Repealed, 1973.
- 117.750 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.755 Repealed, 1966.
- 117.760 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.761 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.765 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.770 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.775 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.780 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.785 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.790 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.795 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.800 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.803 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.805 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.810 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.812 Repealed, 1964.
- 117.815 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.820 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.825 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.830 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.835 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.840 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.845 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.850 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.855 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.860 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.865 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.870 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.875 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.880 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.885 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.890 Repealed, 1966.
- 117.895 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.900 Election essay and slogan contests -- Private sponsorship.
- 117.990 Repealed, 1972.
- 117.995 Penalties.
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