Chapter 446d
- Sec. 22a-207. (Formerly Sec. 19-524a). Definitions.
- Sec. 22a-207a. Definitions applicable to sections 22a-208d, 22a-208q, 22a-208r and 22a-228(b).
- Sec. 22a-207b. Solid waste disposal areas and transfer stations, permit required.
- Sec. 22a-208. (Formerly Sec. 19-524b). Powers and duties of commissioner re solid waste management.
- Sec. 22a-208a. Permit for construction, alteration or operation of solid waste facility. Application, fee. Unpermitted solid waste disposal areas. Modified permits. Hearing. General permits: Procedure
- Sec. 22a-208b. Zoning or council approval of disposal areas.
- Sec. 22a-208c. Restriction on receiving, disposing of, processing or transporting solid waste.
- Sec. 22a-208d. Written determination of need for resources recovery facility, composting facility or ash residue disposal area.
- Sec. 22a-208e. Quarterly reports by owners or operators of resources recovery facilities and recycling facilities. Deliveries to out-of-state facilities.
- Sec. 22a-208f. Scrap metal processor exempt from permit requirement.
- Sec. 22a-208g. Plan for disposal or recycling of ash residue generated by municipal solid waste incinerators or resources recovery facility. Regulations.
- Sec. 22a-208h. Identification of solid waste facilities with capacity to accept municipal solid waste.
- Sec. 22a-208i. Composting of leaves. Regulations. Certain recycling facilities exempt from requirement of permit for solid waste facility.
- Sec. 22a-208j. Moratorium on permits for wood-burning facilities.
- Sec. 22a-208k. Demolition debris disposed of at wood-burning facilities.
- Sec. 22a-208l. Wood-burning facility. Types of wood to be burned.
- Sec. 22a-208m. Regulations.
- Sec. 22a-208n. Wood-burning facility. Ambient air quality sampling. Air emissions monitoring.
- Sec. 22a-208o. Permits. Use of groundwater and surface waters for cooling tower use.
- Sec. 22a-208p. Location of wood-burning facility in area classified "GC". Conditions. Appeal.
- Sec. 22a-208q. Composting product. Presegregation. Regulations.
- Sec. 22a-208r. Model demonstration composting facility.
- Secs. 22a-208s to 22a-208u. Definitions applicable to sections 22a-208s to 22a-208u, inclusive. Rescission of contract by cooperating developer of wood-burning facility. Payments by electric public se
- Sec. 22a-208v. Grass clippings prohibited from disposal at resources recovery facilities or solid waste facilities.
- Sec. 22a-208w. Information re recycling credit.
- Sec. 22a-208x. Disposal options for certain types of bulky waste.
- Sec. 22a-208y. Resources recovery facility plan for disposal of special waste and processed construction and demolition waste.
- Sec. 22a-208z. Use of crushed recycled glass as cover material.
- Sec. 22a-208aa. Issuance of permit for solid waste facility located near housing development.
- Sec. 22a-209. (Formerly Sec. 19-524c). Regulations.
- Sec. 22a-209a. Certain processed wood and wood fuel excluded from regulation as solid waste.
- Sec. 22a-209b. Biomedical waste. Definitions.
- Sec. 22a-209c. Biomedical waste. Disposal requirements.
- Sec. 22a-209d. Categories of materials not to be considered solid waste. Use of solids that are by-products of water treatment processes.
- Sec. 22a-209e. Certain lamp recycling facilities to be considered volume reduction plants.
- Sec. 22a-209f. Beneficial use of solid waste. General permit.
- Sec. 22a-209g. Labeling of products containing mercury.
- Sec. 22a-209h. Information to be provided concerning electric lamps containing mercury and management of spent lamps.
- Sec. 22a-209i. Universal waste rule. Fluorescent lamps. Equipment containing mercury.
- Sec. 22a-210. (Formerly Sec. 19-524d). Demonstration resource recovery systems or improved solid waste facilities.
- Sec. 22a-211. (Formerly Sec. 19-524e). Solid waste management plans for state and local or regional authorities. Closing of municipal landfill; plan required.
- Sec. 22a-212. (Formerly Sec. 19-524f). Grants to municipal and regional authorities for plan preparation.
- Sec. 22a-213. (Formerly Sec. 19-524g). Approval of solid waste disposal contracts. Contracts between municipalities and solid waste facilities.
- Sec. 22a-213a. Disposal of biomedical waste by generators.
- Sec. 22a-214. (Formerly Sec. 19-524h). Commissioner to administer and control funds.
- Sec. 22a-215. (Formerly Sec. 19-524i). Review of applications for federal funds.
- Sec. 22a-216. (Formerly Sec. 19-524j). Department to apply for and receive funds. Cooperation and agreements with federal government.
- Sec. 22a-217. (Formerly Sec. 19-524k). Grants to reduce solid waste volume reduction and disposal operation costs.
- Sec. 22a-218. (Formerly Sec. 19-524l). State aid to municipal and regional authorities for volume reduction plants and landfill operations.
- Sec. 22a-219. (Formerly Sec. 19-524m). Grants to municipal or regional authorities for improvements of waste disposal facilities.
- Sec. 22a-219a. Definitions.
- Sec. 22a-219b. Grants to municipalities for resources recovery facilities.
- Sec. 22a-219c. Grants to municipalities for resources recovery facilities operating on June 1, 1987.
- Sec. 22a-219d. Municipal Tipping Fee Fund.
- Sec. 22a-219e. Grants from Municipal Tipping Fee Fund.
- Sec. 22a-220. (Formerly Sec. 19-524n). Municipal provisions for solid waste disposal. Toxic or hazardous waste disposal. Recycling goal. Municipal representative. Report to commissioner. Program defic
- Sec. 22a-220a. Designation by municipality of areas for solid waste disposal. Designation of areas for items generated from residential properties. Registration of solid waste collectors. Scavenging.
- Sec. 22a-220b. Payments to municipalities by operators of solid waste land disposal facilities.
- Sec. 22a-220c. Notification to collectors re items required to be recycled. Warning notices. Inspections. Notification to municipalities re delinquent tipping fees.
- Sec. 22a-220d. Warning. Penalty.
- Sec. 22a-221. (Formerly Sec. 19-524o). Contracts with regard to solid waste management.
- Sec. 22a-221a. Operating committees declared to be public instrumentalities and political subdivisions of the state.
- Sec. 22a-221b. Disposal of solid waste collected from state facilities.
- Sec. 22a-222. Grants to resource recovery authorities for feasibility studies and development expenses for a resource recovery system or incinerator.
- Sec. 22a-223. Funds for preliminary feasibility studies of energy recovery systems or incinerators by governmental entities.
- Sec. 22a-224. Study and construction of resource recovery systems at certain state mental health hospitals. Contracts for purchase of steam or electricity from systems.
- Sec. 22a-225. Orders. Appeals.
- Sec. 22a-226. Civil penalty.
- Sec. 22a-226a. Penalty.
- Sec. 22a-226b. Penalty for violations placing another in imminent danger of death or bodily injury.
- Sec. 22a-226c. Penalty for illegal disposal of biomedical waste.
- Sec. 22a-226d. Municipal enforcement of solid waste disposal laws. Penalties.
- Sec. 22a-227. Municipal solid waste management plan.
- Sec. 22a-228. State-wide solid waste management plan. Regulations. Source reduction component.
- Sec. 22a-229. Consistency with plan. Polystyrene packaging.
- Sec. 22a-230. Orders to implement plan.
- Sec. 22a-231. Regulations re operating procedures for resources recovery facilities.
- Sec. 22a-232. Solid waste assessment. Penalty imposed for nonpayment.
- Sec. 22a-233. Solid waste account. Annual report.
- Sec. 22a-233a. Costs of testing.
- Sec. 22a-234. Advisory Board for Solid Waste Management Alternatives.
- Sec. 22a-234a. Assessment on solid waste processed at resources recovery facility or mixed municipal solid waste landfill. Hearing and appeal.
- Sec. 22a-235. Operations and maintenance plan.
- Sec. 22a-235a. List of municipalities without contracts to dispose of solid waste.
- Sec. 22a-235b. Solicitation of solid waste from municipalities on list prepared by commissioner.
- Sec. 22a-236. Applicability of certain sections to resources recovery facilities.
- Sec. 22a-237. Inspection of resources recovery facilities.
- Sec. 22a-238. Appointment of resources recovery facility inspector by municipality or group of municipalities. Regulations re qualifications.
- Sec. 22a-239. Chief elected official's right of access to facility for inspection of premises and review of records. Time allowed for response to complaints.
- Sec. 22a-239a. Independent management audits of resources recovery facilities.
- Sec. 22a-240. Public education on risk assessment and risk management.
- Sec. 22a-240a. Studies of dioxin levels in area of proposed resources recovery facilities.
- Sec. 22a-241. Municipal solid waste recycling program and trust account. Advisory council.
- Sec. 22a-241a. Revisions to state-wide solid waste management plan concerning recycling.
- Sec. 22a-241b. Regulations designating items required to be recycled. Separation of items designated for recycling.
- Secs. 22a-241c and 22a-241d. Municipal provisions for recycling. Orders to municipalities to deliver recyclable items to regional intermediate processing centers if no revision to solid waste manageme
- Sec. 22a-241e. Orders if local processing not implemented.
- Sec. 22a-241f. Recyclable items prohibited in landfills and resources recovery facilities.
- Sec. 22a-241g. Noncompliance with recycling strategy.
- Sec. 22a-241h. Eligibility of single municipalities and certain regional solid waste authorities or operating committees for funds from municipal solid waste recycling trust account.
- Sec. 22a-241i. Commercial establishment. Penalty.
- Sec. 22a-242.
- Sec. 22a-243. (Formerly Sec. 22a-77). Definitions.
- Sec. 22a-244. (Formerly Sec. 22a-78). Refund, labeling and design requirements for beverage containers and holders. Exceptions.
- Sec. 22a-245. (Formerly Sec. 22a-79). Registration of redemption centers. Payment of refund value by dealers and distributors. Handling fee. Regulations.
- Sec. 22a-245a. Special account of deposit initiator. Reimbursement payment. Reports. Examination. Enforcement.
- Sec. 22a-246. *(See end of section for amended version and effective date.) Penalties.
- Sec. 22a-247. (Formerly Sec. 22a-80). Legislative findings and declaration of policy.
- Sec. 22a-248. (Formerly Sec. 22a-81). Definitions.
- Sec. 22a-249. (Formerly Sec. 22a-82). Duties of commissioner re litter control and recycling.
- Sec. 22a-250. (Formerly Sec. 22a-87). Littering or dumping prohibited. Orders. Procedures. Penalties.
- Sec. 22a-250a. Forfeiture of vehicles used in violation of certain environmental laws.
- Sec. 22a-250b. Reward for information re illegal dumping.
- Sec. 22a-250c. Collection of civil penalties by state or municipalities.
- Sec. 22a-251. (Formerly Sec. 22a-88). Regulations.
- Sec. 22a-252. Disposal of asbestos.
- Secs. 22a-253 and 22a-254.
- Sec. 22a-255. Definitions.
- Sec. 22a-255a. Sale of certain beverage containers prohibited.
- Sec. 22a-255b. Identification code. Regulations.
- Sec. 22a-255c. Symbols indicating packaging is recyclable or made of recycled material.
- Sec. 22a-255d. Regulations re packaging material.
- Sec. 22a-255e. Plastic bags and paper bags at retail establishments.
- Sec. 22a-255f. Public education program on waste reduction.
- Sec. 22a-255g. Legislative finding.
- Sec. 22a-255h. Definitions.
- Sec. 22a-255i. Sale of packaging components or packaging composed of lead, cadmium, mercury or hexavalent chromium.
- Sec. 22a-255j. Exempt packages and packaging components.
- Sec. 22a-255k. Certificates of compliance.
- Sec. 22a-255l. Penalties. Referral to Attorney General.
- Sec. 22a-255m. Report. Recommendations by department.
- Sec. 22a-256. "Consumer product" defined.
- Sec. 22a-256a. Recycling of nickel-cadmium batteries contained in consumer products.
- Sec. 22a-256b. Sale of nickel-cadmium batteries contained in consumer products. Exemption.
- Sec. 22a-256c. Recycling of mercuric oxide batteries. Notice by retailers. Disposal. Program for the collection of mercuric oxide batteries at senior citizen centers.
- Sec. 22a-256d. Sale of alkaline manganese batteries.
- Sec. 22a-256e. Sale of zinc-carbon batteries.
- Sec. 22a-256f. Definitions.
- Sec. 22a-256g. Batteries. Disposal. Penalties.
- Sec. 22a-256h. Deposit for batteries. Refunds. Disposal by retailer. Written notice. Penalty.
- Sec. 22a-256i. Acceptance of batteries by wholesalers. Inspections. Warnings and citations.
- Sec. 22a-256j. Tire tax.
- Secs. 22a-256k and 22a-256l.
- Sec. 22a-256m. Definitions.
- Sec. 22a-256n. Publishers: Use of newsprint with recycled content. Schedule.
- Sec. 22a-256o. Publishers: Failure to achieve percentages. Penalty.
- Sec. 22a-256p. Printers: Use of newsprint with recycled content. Schedule.
- Sec. 22a-256q. Printers: Failure to achieve percentages. Penalty.
- Sec. 22a-256r. Annual reports. Exemption.
- Sec. 22a-256s. Report by commissioner.
- Sec. 22a-256t. Deposit of revenue into municipal solid waste recycling trust account.
- Sec. 22a-256u. Regulations.
- Sec. 22a-256v. Alternative standards for recycled newsprint.
- Secs. 22a-256w and 22a-256x.
- Sec. 22a-256y. Definitions.
- Sec. 22a-256z. Directory publishers: Use of directory stock with recycled fiber. Schedule.
- Sec. 22a-256aa. Directory publishers: Failure to achieve percentages. Penalty.
- Sec. 22a-256bb. Annual reports. Exemption.
- Sec. 22a-256cc. Deposit of revenue into municipal solid waste recycling trust account.
- Sec. 22a-256dd. Inclusion of expenses when determining rates.
- Sec. 22a-256ee. Directory publishers: Recycling goals.
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