Section 52:18A
- 52:18A-1 - "Department" defined
- 52:18A-2 - State Treasurer
- 52:18A-2a - Transfer of revenues to Health Care Subsidy Fund
- 52:18A-2.1 - Board of Public Utilities; transferred
- 52:18A-3 - Divisions within Department
- 52:18A-4 - Division of Budget and Accounting transferred
- 52:18A-5 - Director of Division of Budget and Accounting
- 52:18A-6 - State Commissioner of Taxation and Finance, powers and duties of transferred
- 52:18A-6.1 - Director of Division of Budget and Accounting, powers and duties of
- 52:18A-6.2 - Reference to "Commissioner of Taxation and Finance" deemed reference to Director of Division of Budget and Accounting
- 52:18A-7 - Former Office of State Comptroller abolished; accounting and financial management to Division of Budget and Accounting
- 52:18A-8 - State revenues; depositories; reports; accounting
- 52:18A-8.1 - Fiscal agent or custodian for funds and other assets; agreements
- 52:18A-8.1a - Definitions used in C.52:18A-8.1
- 52:18A-8.2 - Services to be performed
- 52:18A-8.3 - Provision against loss or damage required in agreements
- 52:18A-8.4 - Fee for returned check collected by Department of the Treasury
- 52:18A-9 - Forms
- 52:18A-10 - Encumbrance requests and statements of indebtedness; approval; examination; warrant checks
- 52:18A-11 - Checks or drafts for transfer of funds
- 52:18A-13 - Vacancies in certain offices, notice to banks
- 52:18A-16 - Division of Purchase and Property transferred
- 52:18A-17 - Director of Division of Purchase and Property
- 52:18A-18 - Powers and duties of director of Division of Purchase and Property transferred
- 52:18A-18.1 - Notice prior to moving State facility
- 52:18A-18.2 - Leasing of certain State-owned property, priority, rate approval
- 52:18A-19 - Applications and schedules for articles to be purchased; duties of director; bills for purchases
- 52:18A-19.1 - Parking purposes, lease of State lands, not needed, for
- 52:18A-19.2 - Division of Architecture, Construction and Maintenance in the Department of Institutions and Agencies, the Commissioner of Institutions and Agencies and the director of such division t
- 52:18A-19.3 - Certain terms occurring in sections 30:3-7 to 30:3-11 deemed to mean Director of the Division of Purchase and Property
- 52:18A-19.4 - Repeal
- 52:18A-19.5 - Cafeteria for State officers and employees
- 52:18A-19.6 - State Cafeterias Revolving Account
- 52:18A-19.7 - Balance on hand; disposition
- 52:18A-19.8 - Warrants
- 52:18A-19.9 - Appropriation of money in State Cafeterias Revolving Account
- 52:18A-19.10 - Effective date
- 52:18A-19.11 - Transfer of functions, powers, and duties of state bureau for surplus property from division of field services, state department of education to division of purchase and property in d
- 52:18A-19.12 - Method of transfer
- 52:18A-20 - Division of Local Government transferred
- 52:18A-21 - Director of Division of Local Government
- 52:18A-22 - Director to be chairman of Local Government Board
- 52:18A-23 - Powers and duties of Division of Local Government transferred
- 52:18A-24 - Division of Taxation transferred; director of such division
- 52:18A-24.1 - Director of the Division of Taxation; duties
- 52:18A-25 - Powers and duties of Division of Taxation transferred
- 52:18A-27 - Powers and duties of State Treasurer transferred to State Treasurer as head of Department of Treasury
- 52:18A-28 - State Director of the United New Jersey Railroad and Canal Company
- 52:18A-30 - State Treasurer, Deputy State Treasurer; additional duties
- 52:18A-30.1 - Destruction of records
- 52:18A-31 - Deputy director of the Division of Budget and Accounting
- 52:18A-32 - State Department of Taxation and Finance and State Commissioner of Taxation and Finance; powers and duties transferred
- 52:18A-33 - Personnel, interdepartmental and intradepartmental transfer of
- 52:18A-34 - State Treasurer may exercise any power vested in a director
- 52:18A-35 - Co-ordination of activities of department
- 52:18A-36 - Removal of director; vacancies
- 52:18A-37 - Oaths; bonds
- 52:18A-38 - Reports, certifications, applications or requests
- 52:18A-39 - Transfer of files, books, papers, records, equipment and other property
- 52:18A-40 - Orders, rules and regulations previously made
- 52:18A-41 - Pending actions or proceedings
- 52:18A-42 - Transfers of appropriations
- 52:18A-43 - Employees, transfer of
- 52:18A-44 - Tenure, civil service, pension or retirement rights not affected
- 52:18A-45 - Terms of office expiring on effective date
- 52:18A-46 - Terms defined; references to
- 52:18A-47 - Repeal
- 52:18A-48 - Short title
- 52:18A-49 - Effective date; prior appointments
- 52:18A-50 - Definitions
- 52:18A-51 - Creation of Authority
- 52:18A-52 - General purpose of Authority
- 52:18A-53 - Appointment and terms of members
- 52:18A-54 - Vacancies
- 52:18A-55 - Removal
- 52:18A-56 - Members to serve without compensation
- 52:18A-57 - Quorum
- 52:18A-58 - Officers
- 52:18A-59 - General powers
- 52:18A-60 - Additional powers
- 52:18A-61 - Power of state departments, agencies and instrumentalities to contract with the Authority
- 52:18A-62 - Power of counties and municipalities to convey or lease real property
- 52:18A-65 - Condemnation
- 52:18A-66 - Bonds
- 52:18A-67 - Remedies and statutory trustees
- 52:18A-68 - Credit of State and political subdivisions not pledged
- 52:18A-69 - Agreement of State
- 52:18A-70 - Exemption from taxation
- 52:18A-71 - Bonds eligible for investment
- 52:18A-72 - Annual report
- 52:18A-73 - Interested members, agents or employees
- 52:18A-74 - Additional method
- 52:18A-75 - Act liberally construed
- 52:18A-76 - Severability
- 52:18A-77 - Inconsistent laws inapplicable
- 52:18A-78 - Short title
- 52:18A-78.1 - Short title
- 52:18A-78.2 - Definitions
- 52:18A-78.3 - Findings, declarations
- 52:18A-78.4 - New Jersey building authority; establishment; membership; appointment; term; removal; oath of office; organization; quorum; bond; reimbursement of expenses; dissolution; veto of
- 52:18A-78.5 - Powers of authority
- 52:18A-78.5a - Purposes for authority projects
- 52:18A-78.5b - Permitted project, certain
- 52:18A-78.5c - Application for financing local historic projects
- 52:18A-78.6 - Project report; review
- 52:18A-78.7 - Public hearing; notice; records; objection by local government; response
- 52:18A-78.8 - Submission to legislature; approval by concurrent resolution
- 52:18A-78.9 - Leases for space in project; written approval by legislature prior to execution
- 52:18A-78.9a - Lease or sublease agreement; approval by authority
- 52:18A-78.10 - Municipalities; limitations on powers; provision of services; contractual agreements with local governmental agencies
- 52:18A-78.11 - Adoption of standing rules, procedures for contracts by authority
- 52:18A-78.11d - Supervision by chairman
- 52:18A-78.11e - Employees; assistance
- 52:18A-78.11f - General Services Administration authority
- 52:18A-78.12 - Relocation of public highways or roads; entry on lands for surveys or examinations; relocation or removal of public utility facilities
- 52:18A-78.13 - Eminent domain
- 52:18A-78.14 - Issuance of bonds, notes
- 52:18A-78.15 - Covenants and contracts with holders of bonds and notes
- 52:18A-78.16 - Pledge of revenue and assets; validity; lien
- 52:18A-78.17 - No personal liability.
- 52:18A-78.18 - Reserves, funds or accounts; establishment
- 52:18A-78.19 - Pledge and covenant not to alter rights and powers
- 52:18A-78.20 - Bonds or notes as legal investment
- 52:18A-78.21 - Lease of real property by state or local government agency to authority
- 52:18A-78.22 - Agreements between State agencies and authority
- 52:18A-78.23 - Tax exemption of projects and other property, and bonds and notes and interest; in lieu tax payment
- 52:18A-78.23a - Apartments created under Horizontal Property Act or unit created under Condominium Act as constituting parcel of real property
- 52:18A-78.24 - Default on bonds or notes; trustee; appointment; powers and duties; jurisdiction and venue of suit, action or proceeding
- 52:18A-78.25 - Moneys received pursuant to act as trust funds
- 52:18A-78.26 - Annual report; audit of books and accounts
- 52:18A-78.27 - Rendition of services by officers and units of state
- 52:18A-78.28 - Affirmative action program
- 52:18A-78.29 - Payment of prevailing wage rate
- 52:18A-78.30 - Application of provisions of this act or regulations over inconsistent or conflicting laws or regulations
- 52:18A-78.31 - Severability
- 52:18A-78.32 - Liberal construction of act
- 52:18A-79 - Division of Investment established
- 52:18A-83 - State Investment Council established; membership; terms
- 52:18A-84 - Director of Division of Investment
- 52:18A-84.1 - Deputy Directors of Division of Investment
- 52:18A-85 - Certain powers and duties of certain agencies transferred to Director of Division of Investment
- 52:18A-86 - Powers and duties relating to investment of certain funds to be performed by Director of Division of Investment
- 52:18A-87 - State Disability Benefits Fund; Trustees for Support of Public Schools; investments by Director of Division of Investment
- 52:18A-88.1 - Investment, reinvestment of moneys on behalf of specified agencies
- 52:18A-89 - Limitations, conditions, restrictions continued; authorization of investments
- 52:18A-89.4 - Findings, declarations
- 52:18A-89.5 - Standards for corporate activity
- 52:18A-89.6 - Annual report
- 52:18A-89.7 - Encouragement of adherence by corporations
- 52:18A-89.8 - Investments in Israeli obligations
- 52:18A-89.9 - Pension, annuity funds, certain, investment in company with equity ties to Sudan, certain; prohibited
- 52:18A-89.10 - Sale, redemption, divestiture, withdrawal from certain investments; time
- 52:18A-89.11 - Reports to Legislature; contents
- 52:18A-89.12 - Pension or annuity, investment in foreign companies having equity ties to Iran; prohibited
- 52:18A-90 - Employees of State Investment Council
- 52:18A-90.1 - Common trust fund
- 52:18A-90.2 - Record of capital contributions of participating funds with income inuring to benefit of general state fund
- 52:18A-90.3 - Certificates of ownership in common trust fund; distributions
- 52:18A-90.4 - State of New Jersey Cash Management Fund
- 52:18A-90.4a - Definitions used in C.52:18A-90.4
- 52:18A-91 - Powers and duties of State Investment Council
- 52:18A-92 - Report of operations of Division of Investment
- 52:18A-93 - Bond of Director
- 52:18A-94 - Inconsistent laws
- 52:18A-95 - Division of Pensions established
- 52:18A-95.1 - Division of Pensions renamed Division of Pensions and Benefits
- 52:18A-96 - Transfer of agencies and their functions, powers, duties, equipment and records--exceptions
- 52:18A-97 - Powers and duties of enumerated agencies continued
- 52:18A-98 - Authority to appoint, employ or remove personnel
- 52:18A-99 - Director; appointment and qualifications; tenure and salary
- 52:18A-100 - Functions, powers, duties of Director of Division of Investment not affected
- 52:18A-101 - Personal rights not affected
- 52:18A-102 - Repealer
- 52:18A-103 - Repealer
- 52:18A-104 - Inconsistent acts
- 52:18A-105 - Affixing voucher signatures by machine
- 52:18A-106 - Bond
- 52:18A-107 - Purpose of act
- 52:18A-108 - Definitions
- 52:18A-109 - Supplementary annuity program; establishment; contributions
- 52:18A-110 - Supplemental annuity collective trust; establishment; duties; divisions
- 52:18A-111 - Supplemental Annuity Collective Trust
- 52:18A-112 - Participation; application for enrollment
- 52:18A-113 - Contributions
- 52:18A-113.1 - Purchase of annuity for employee by employer
- 52:18A-113.2 - Tax-deferred annuity, education employees; written agreement to reduce salary
- 52:18A-113.3 - Reduction of employee's salary; benefits
- 52:18A-113.4 - Payments for annuity
- 52:18A-113.5 - Rules, regulations
- 52:18A-114 - Investment of assets of variable and fixed divisions
- 52:18A-115 - Investment and reinvestment of assets of variable division; common stocks and convertible securities
- 52:18A-116 - Accounts of variable division
- 52:18A-117 - Variable retirement benefit, transfer of outstanding loan balance
- 52:18A-118 - Investment and reinvestment of assets of fixed division; fixed income securities
- 52:18A-119 - Accounts of fixed division
- 52:18A-120 - Fixed retirement benefit; transfer of outstanding loan balance
- 52:18A-121 - Single cash payment for participant ceasing to be member of retirement system
- 52:18A-122 - Payment in event of death of participant prior to retirement
- 52:18A-123 - Termination of inactive accounts; refunds
- 52:18A-124 - Time each division operative; required number of participants
- 52:18A-151 - Establishment of division; director
- 52:18A-152 - Bureaus; organizational units
- 52:18A-153 - Transfer of functions, powers and duties of Division of Purchase and Property, director, and Office of Architecture, Engineering and Construction
- 52:18A-154 - Transfer of appropriations
- 52:18A-155 - Transfer of employees
- 52:18A-156 - Employee rights
- 52:18A-157 - Transfer of files, records, etc
- 52:18A-158 - Effect upon prior orders, rules, regulations
- 52:18A-159 - Effect upon pending actions or proceedings
- 52:18A-160 - Reports, certifications, etc.; filing with division
- 52:18A-161 - Construction of prior laws, rules or regulations
- 52:18A-162 - Repeal of inconsistent acts
- 52:18A-163 - State employees deferred compensation board; establishment; members; compensation; meetings
- 52:18A-164 - New Jersey state employees deferred compensation plan
- 52:18A-165 - Deferral and deduction of salary; voluntary written agreement
- 52:18A-166 - Investment of funds; division of investment as fiduciary
- 52:18A-167 - Powers
- 52:18A-168 - Costs to be recovered by service charge or from private organization with contract for administration
- 52:18A-169 - Immunity from liability for loss
- 52:18A-170 - Disposition of deferred, deducted moneys; assets held in trust
- 52:18A-171 - Unassignability of payments and rights
- 52:18A-172 - Deferred and deducted amounts; inclusion as regular compensation; exclusion in computation of federal withholding taxes
- 52:18A-173 - Deferred salary clearing fund and other funds
- 52:18A-174 - Deferred compensation plan expanded
- 52:18A-175 - Plan additional to and not part of retirement or pension system
- 52:18A-176 - Portability of employees' credit from similar plans
- 52:18A-177 - Determination plan consistent with requirements of Internal Revenue Service
- 52:18A-178 - Short title
- 52:18A-179 - Legislative findings and declarations
- 52:18A-180 - Definitions
- 52:18A-181 - General services administration; establishment
- 52:18A-182 - General services administrator; qualifications; appointment; term of office; compensation
- 52:18A-183 - Organization; employees
- 52:18A-184 - Divisions of purchase and property and building and construction; consolidation under administration; continuance
- 52:18A-185 - Division of data processing and telecommunications; abolishment
- 52:18A-186 - Division of functions, powers and duties relating to data processing and telecommunications between administration and treasurer
- 52:18A-187 - Data processing and telecommunications; duties
- 52:18A-188 - Means to accomplish duties
- 52:18A-189 - Data processing; duties
- 52:18A-190 - Telecommunications; definition; duties
- 52:18A-191 - Administrator; additional duties
- 52:18A-191.1 - Findings, declarations
- 52:18A-191.2 - Definitions
- 52:18A-191.3 - Office of Leasing Operations established
- 52:18A-191.4 - State Leasing and Space Utilization Committee established
- 52:18A-191.5 - Committee approval required for lease agreements
- 52:18A-191.6 - Site visits to leased property
- 52:18A-191.7 - Information provided to Legislative Budget and Finance Officer
- 52:18A-191.8 - Rules, regulations
- 52:18A-191.9 - Entitlement to assistance, services
- 52:18A-192 - Reference to division of data processing and telecommunications to mean and refer to general services administration
- 52:18A-193 - Transfers in accordance with State Agency Transfer Act
- 52:18A-194 - Provisions of act; application to executive branch; coordinating and advisory application to legislative and judicial branches
- 52:18A-195 - Supersedure of inconsistent acts; repeal
- 52:18A-196 - Findings, declarations
- 52:18A-197 - State Planning Commission
- 52:18A-198 - Organizational meeting
- 52:18A-199 - Duties of the commission
- 52:18A-200 - State Development and Redevelopment Plan
- 52:18A-201 - Office of State Planning
- 52:18A-201.1 - "Military facility," "military facility commander," notification of land use plan
- 52:18A-202 - Advice of other entities; plan cross-acceptance
- 52:18A-202a - Extended period for filing report on preliminary plan
- 52:18A-202.1 - Findings, declarations
- 52:18A-202.2 - Studies; review
- 52:18A-202.3 - On-going monitoring and evaluation program
- 52:18A-203 - Rules, regulations
- 52:18A-204 - Assistance of personnel of other entities
- 52:18A-205 - Provision of data by other entities
- 52:18A-206 - Other plans, regulations unaffected; adoption of coastal planning policies
- 52:18A-207 - Short title
- 52:18A-208 - Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Fund
- 52:18A-209 - Petroleum Overcharge Reimbursement Fund
- 52:18A-210 - Eligibility guidelines; distribution procedures
- 52:18A-211 - Annual budget recommendation; requirements
- 52:18A-212 - Findings, declarations relative to the Trenton War Memorial
- 52:18A-213 - Title vested in State
- 52:18A-214 - Jurisdiction of the Department of the Treasury; Department of State
- 52:18A-215 - Funds; fees; uses
- 52:18A-216 - War Memorial Fund
- 52:18A-218 - Korean Veterans' Memorial Fund
- 52:18A-219 - Division of Risk Management
- 52:18A-220 - Director of the Division of Risk Management
- 52:18A-221 - Mission of the division
- 52:18A-222 - Risk Management Committee
- 52:18A-223 - Rules, regulations
- 52:18A-224 - Short title
- 52:18A-225 - Findings, declarations relative to Office of Information Technology
- 52:18A-226 - Definitions relative to Office of Information Technology
- 52:18A-227 - Office of Information Technology
- 52:18A-228 - New Jersey Information Technology Governing Board
- 52:18A-229 - Administration of Office of Information Technology; Chief Technology Officer
- 52:18A-230 - Authority of Chief Technology Officer
- 52:18A-231 - Deputy Chief Technology Officers
- 52:18A-232 - New Jersey Information Technology Project Review Board
- 52:18A-233 - Reports to Governor, Legislature
- 52:18A-234 - Cooperation required
- 52:18A-235 - Findings, declarations relative to construction and financing of public school facilities
- 52:18A-236 - Definitions relative to construction and financing of public school facilities
- 52:18A-237 - "New Jersey Schools Development Authority."
- 52:18A-238 - Powers of development authority
- 52:18A-239 - Rules, regulations relative to payment of prevailing wage rate
- 52:18A-240 - Rules, regulations relative to affirmative action program
- 52:18A-241 - Payment of incurred claims, damages, losses, liabilities or costs by development authority
- 52:18A-242 - No modification by municipality of school facilities project; agreements with local government agencies
- 52:18A-243 - Preparation of separate plans and specifications, conditions; bids; awarding of contracts
- 52:18A-244 - Powers of development authority relative to undertaking school facilities project
- 52:18A-245 - Exercise of powers constitute performance of essential governmental function
- 52:18A-246 - Property exempt from levy, sale
- 52:18A-247 - New Jersey Schools Construction Corporation abolished, transfer to New Jersey Schools Development Authority, references in law
- 52:18A-248 - Limit on executive branch hires to replace retirees; reporting requirements
- 52:18A-249 - Limitation on hires in judicial branch to replace retirees
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