Chapter 700c
- Sec. 38a-469. Definitions.
- Sec. 38a-470. (Formerly Sec. 38-174n). Lien on workers' compensation awards for insurers. Notice of lien.
- Sec. 38a-471. (Formerly Sec. 38-174o). Third party prescription programs. Notice of cancellation. Applicability of section.
- Sec. 38a-472. (Formerly Sec. 38-174a). Assignment of insurance proceeds to doctor, hospital or state agency. Lien for state care. Notice of lien.
- Sec. 38a-472a. Medical provider indemnification agreements prohibited.
- Sec. 38a-472b. Medical provider indemnification contracts. Professional actions and related liability.
- Sec. 38a-472c. Dental policies. Estimate of reimbursement.
- Sec. 38a-472d. Public education outreach program re health insurance availability and eligibility requirements.
- Sec. 38a-473. Medicare supplement expense factors. Age, gender, previous claim or medical history rating prohibited. Exceptions.
- Sec. 38a-474. Rate increases: Procedure. Age, gender, previous claim or medical history rating prohibited. Exceptions.
- Sec. 38a-475. Precertification of long-term care policies under the Connecticut Partnership for Long-Term Care. Regulations.
- Sec. 38a-476. Preexisting condition coverage.
- Sec. 38a-476a. Compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Guaranteed renewability. Discrimination based on health status, newborns' and mothers' health prohibited
- Sec. 38a-476b. Standards re psychotropic drug availability in health plans.
- Sec. 38a-476c. Policies and contracts with variable network and enrollee cost-sharing. Approval. Limitations.
- Sec. 38a-477. Standardized claim forms. Information necessary for filing a claim. Regulations.
- Sec. 38a-477a. Notification by Insurance Commissioner of required benefits and policy forms.
- Sec. 38a-477b. Postclaims underwriting prohibited unless approval granted. Application for approval of rescission, cancellation or limitation. Decision. Appeals. Regulations.
- Sec. 38a-478. Definitions.
- Sec. 38a-478a. Commissioner's report to the Governor and the General Assembly.
- Sec. 38a-478b. Penalty for managed care organization's failure to file data and reports. Commission's report to the Governor and the General Assembly on organizations that fail to file data an
- Sec. 38a-478c. Managed care organization's report to the commissioner: Data, reports and information required.
- Sec. 38a-478d. List of providers required. Notification to enrollee of removal from list of enrollee's primary care physician.
- Sec. 38a-478e. Medical protocols. Procedure prior to change. Physician input. Notification of change.
- Sec. 38a-478f. Provider profile development requirements.
- Sec. 38a-478g. Managed care contract requirements. Plan description requirements.
- Sec. 38a-478h. Removal of providers. Notice requirements. Retaliatory action prohibited.
- Sec. 38a-478i. Limitation on enrollee rights prohibited.
- Sec. 38a-478j. Coinsurance payments based on negotiated discounts.
- Sec. 38a-478k. Gag clauses prohibited.
- Sec. 38a-478l. Consumer report card required. Content.
- Sec. 38a-478m. Internal grievance procedure. Notice re procedure and final resolution. Penalties. Fines allocated to Office of the Healthcare Advocate.
- Sec. 38a-478n. Exhaustion of internal appeal mechanisms. External appeal to commissioner. Applicability to health insurers, managed care organizations and utilization review companies. Fees. Waiver an
- Sec. 38a-478o. Confidentiality and antidiscrimination procedures required.
- Sec. 38a-478p. Expedited utilization review. Standardized form required.
- Sec. 38a-478q. Use of laboratories covered by plan required.
- Sec. 38a-478r. Emergency rooms. Prudent layperson standard. Presenting symptoms or final diagnosis as basis for coverage.
- Sec. 38a-478s. Nonapplicability to self-insured employee welfare benefit plans and workers' compensation plans.
- Sec. 38a-478t. Commissioner of Public Health to receive data.
- Sec. 38a-478u. Regulations.
- Sec. 38a-478v. Applicability of Unfair and Prohibited Insurance Practices Act. Examination by Insurance Commissioner. Regulations.
- Sec. 38a-479. Definitions. Contracting health organizations to establish procedure allowing physicians to view fee schedules. Fee information to be confidential.
- Sec. 38a-479a. Physicians and managed care organizations to discuss issues relative to contracting between such parties.
- Secs. 38a-479b to 38a-479z.
- Sec. 38a-479aa. Preferred provider networks. Definitions. Licensing. Fees. Requirements. Exception, regulations.
- Sec. 38a-479bb. Requirements for managed care organizations that contract with preferred provider networks. Requirements for preferred provider networks.
- Sec. 38a-479cc. Duties of a preferred provider network when providing services pursuant to a contract with a managed care organization.
- Sec. 38a-479dd. Preferred provider network examination of outstanding amounts. Notice. Commissioner's duties.
- Sec. 38a-479ee. Violations. Penalties. Investigations and staffing. Grievances. Referrals from Healthcare Advocate.
- Sec. 38a-479ff. Adverse action or threat of adverse action against complainant prohibited. Exception. Civil actions by aggrieved persons.
- Sec. 38a-479gg. Regulations.
- Secs. 38a-479hh to 38a-479pp.
- Sec. 38a-479qq. Medical discount plans: Definitions, prohibited sales practices, penalties.
- Sec. 38a-479rr. Medical discount plan organizations: Licensure. List of authorized marketers. Provider agreements. Minimum net worth. Suspension of authority and revocation or nonrenewal of license. R
- Secs. 38a-479ss to 38a-479zz.
- Sec. 38a-479aaa. Pharmacy benefits managers. Definitions.
- Sec. 38a-479bbb. Registration of pharmacy benefits managers required. Application for registration. Fee. Surety bond. Exemption from registration.
- Sec. 38a-479ccc. Certificate of registration; when issued or refused. Suspension, revocation or refusal to issue or renew registration; grounds.
- Sec. 38a-479ddd. Hearing on denial of certificate. Subsequent application.
- Sec. 38a-479eee. Investigations and hearings. Powers of commissioner.
- Sec. 38a-479fff. Expiration of certificates of registration. Renewal. Fees.
- Sec. 38a-479ggg. Regulations.
- Sec. 38a-479hhh. Appeals.
- Sec. 38a-480. (Formerly Sec. 38-174). Nonapplication to certain policies or contracts.
- Sec. 38a-481. (Formerly Sec. 38-165). Approval of individual health application, policy form and rates. Medicare supplement policies and certificates: Age, gender, previous claim or medical history ra
- Sec. 38a-482. (Formerly Sec. 38-166). Form of policy.
- Sec. 38a-482a. Individual health insurance policy to contain definition of "medically necessary" or "medical necessity".
- Sec. 38a-482b. Individual health insurance policy providing limited coverage to include disclosure. Limited coverage defined.
- Sec. 38a-483. (Formerly Sec. 38-167). Standard provisions of individual health policy.
- Sec. 38a-483a. Exclusionary riders for individual health insurance policies. Regulations.
- Sec. 38a-483b. Time limits for coverage determinations. Notice requirements.
- Sec. 38a-483c. Coverage and notice re experimental treatments. Appeals.
- Sec. 38a-484. (Formerly Sec. 38-168). Policy provisions not to be less favorable than standard. Validity of policy issued in violation of law.
- Sec. 38a-485. (Formerly Sec. 38-169). Copy of application to be part of new policy or to be furnished with renewal. Alteration of application.
- Sec. 38a-486. (Formerly Sec. 38-170). Certain acts not to operate as waiver of rights.
- Sec. 38a-487. (Formerly Sec. 38-171). Coverage after termination date of policy.
- Sec. 38a-488. (Formerly Sec. 38-172). Discrimination.
- Sec. 38a-488a. Mandatory coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of mental or nervous conditions. Exceptions. Benefits payable re type of provider or facility. State's claim against proceeds.
- Sec. 38a-488b. Coverage for autism spectrum disorder therapies.
- Sec. 38a-489. (Formerly Sec. 38-174e). Continuation of coverage of mentally or physically handicapped children.
- Sec. 38a-490. (Formerly Sec. 38-174g). Coverage for newborn infants in health insurance policies. Notice. Application.
- Sec. 38a-490a. Coverage for birth-to-three program.
- Sec. 38a-490b. Coverage for hearing aids for children twelve and under.
- Sec. 38a-490c. Coverage for craniofacial disorders.
- Sec. 38a-490d. Mandatory coverage for blood lead screening and risk assessment.
- Sec. 38a-491. (Formerly Sec. 38-174h). Coverage for services performed by dentists in certain instances.
- Sec. 38a-491a. Coverage for in-patient, outpatient or one-day dental services in certain instances.
- Sec. 38a-491b. Assignment of benefits to a dentist or oral surgeon.
- Sec. 38a-492. (Formerly Sec. 38-174i). Coverage for accidental ingestion or consumption of controlled drugs. Benefits prescribed.
- Sec. 38a-492a. Mandatory coverage for hypodermic needles and syringes.
- Sec. 38a-492b. Coverage for off-label drug prescriptions.
- Sec. 38a-492c. Coverage for low protein modified food products, amino acid modified preparations and specialized formulas.
- Sec. 38a-492d. Mandatory coverage for diabetes testing and treatment.
- Sec. 38a-492e. Mandatory coverage for diabetes outpatient self-management training.
- Sec. 38a-492f. Mandatory coverage for certain prescription drugs removed from formulary.
- Sec. 38a-492g. Mandatory coverage for prostate cancer screening.
- Sec. 38a-492h. Mandatory coverage for certain Lyme disease treatments.
- Sec. 38a-492i. Mandatory coverage for pain management.
- Sec. 38a-492j. Mandatory coverage for ostomy-related supplies.
- Sec. 38a-492k. Mandatory coverage for colorectal cancer screening.
- Sec. 38a-492l. Mandatory coverage for neuropsychological testing for children diagnosed with cancer.
- Sec. 38a-493. (Formerly Sec. 38-174k). Mandatory coverage for home health care. Deductibles. Exception from deductible limits for medical savings accounts, Archer MSAs and health savings accounts.
- Sec. 38a-494. (Formerly Sec. 38-174l). Home health care by recognized nonmedical systems.
- Sec. 38a-495. (Formerly Sec. 38-174m). Medicare supplement policies. Coverage of home health aid services and mammography. Prescription drug riders.
- Sec. 38a-495a. Medicare supplement policies and certificates. Minimum required policy benefits and standards. Regulations.
- Sec. 38a-495b. Medicare supplement policies and certificates. Definitions.
- Sec. 38a-495c. Medicare supplement premium rates charged on a community rate basis. Age, gender, previous claim or medical history rating prohibited. Exceptions. Preexisting conditions. Exceptions. Co
- Sec. 38a-495d. Refund of prepaid premium for Medicare supplement policies.
- Sec. 38a-496. (Formerly Sec. 38-174q). Coverage for occupational therapy. Definitions. Benefits.
- Sec. 38a-497. (Formerly Sec. 38-174r). Termination of coverage of children in individual policies.
- Sec. 38a-497a. Group coverage and benefits of a noncustodial parent. National Medical Support Notice. Notification of new employer by IV-D agency. Notification to parent. Enrollment of child.
- Sec. 38a-498. (Formerly Sec. 38-174t). Mandatory coverage for medically necessary ambulance services. Direct payment to ambulance provider.
- Sec. 38a-498a. Preauthorization prohibited for certain 9-1-1 emergency calls.
- Sec. 38a-498b. Mandatory coverage for mobile field hospital.
- Sec. 38a-498c. Denial of coverage prohibited for health care services rendered to persons with an elevated blood alcohol content.
- Sec. 38a-499. (Formerly Sec. 38-174v). Mandatory coverage for services of physician assistants and certain nurses.
- Sec. 38a-500. (Formerly Sec. 38-174w). Mandatory coverage for partners, sole proprietors and corporate officers for work-related injuries. Subrogation rights.
- Sec. 38a-501. (Formerly Sec. 38-174x). Long-term care policies.
- Sec. 38a-502. (Formerly Sec. 38-174ff). Mandatory coverage for services provided by the Veterans' Home.
- Sec. 38a-503. (Formerly Sec. 38-174gg). Mandatory coverage for mammography and breast ultrasound.
- Sec. 38a-503a. Mandatory coverage for breast cancer survivors.
- Sec. 38a-503b. Carriers to permit direct access to obstetrician-gynecologist.
- Sec. 38a-503c. Mandatory coverage for maternity care. Notice required.
- Sec. 38a-503d. Mandatory coverage for mastectomy care. Termination of provider contract prohibited.
- Sec. 38a-503e. Mandatory coverage for prescription contraceptives.
- Sec. 38a-504. (Formerly Sec. 38-262i). Mandatory coverage for treatment of tumors and leukemia. Mandatory coverage for reconstructive surgery, prosthesis, chemotherapy and wigs. Mandatory coverage for
- Sec. 38a-504a. Coverage for certain cancer clinical trials.
- Sec. 38a-504b. Cancer clinical trials that are eligible for coverage.
- Sec. 38a-504c. Evidence and information re eligibility for cancer clinical trial. No coverage required for otherwise reimbursable costs.
- Sec. 38a-504d. Cancer clinical trials: Routine patient care costs.
- Sec. 38a-504e. Cancer clinical trials: Billing. Payments. Appeals.
- Sec. 38a-504f. Cancer clinical trials: Standardized forms. Time frames for coverage determinations. Appeals. Regulations.
- Sec. 38a-504g. Cancer clinical trials: Submission and certification of policy forms.
- Sec. 38a-505. (Formerly Sec. 38-378). Insurance Commissioner's powers concerning comprehensive health care plans. Notification to purchasers of policy.
- Sec. 38a-506. (Formerly Sec. 38-173). Penalty.
- Sec. 38a-507. Coverage for services performed by chiropractors.
- Sec. 38a-508. Coverage for adopted children.
- Sec. 38a-509. Mandatory coverage for infertility diagnosis and treatment. Limitations.
- Sec. 38a-510. Prescription drug coverage. Mail order pharmacies.
- Sec. 38a-511. Copayments re in-network imaging services.
- Sec. 38a-512. Applicability of statutes to certain major medical expense policies.
- Sec. 38a-513. Approval of group health insurance policies and certificates. Medicare supplement policies and certificates: Age, gender, previous claim or medical history rating prohibited. Exceptions.
- Sec. 38a-513a. Time limits for coverage determinations. Notice requirements.
- Sec. 38a-513b. Coverage and notice re experimental treatments. Appeals.
- Sec. 38a-513c. Group health insurance policy to contain definition of "medically necessary" or "medical necessity".
- Sec. 38a-513d. Insurers prohibited from issuing policy with limited coverage to employer as replacement for a comprehensive health insurance plan. Disclosure required in policy providing limited cover
- Sec. 38a-514. (Formerly Sec. 38-174d). Mandatory coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of mental or nervous conditions. Exceptions. Benefits payable re type of provider or facility. State's cla
- Sec. 38a-514a. Biologically-based mental illness. Coverage required.
- Sec. 38a-514b. Coverage for autism spectrum disorder therapies.
- Sec. 38a-515. Continuation of coverage of mentally retarded or physically handicapped dependent children.
- Sec. 38a-516. Coverage for newborn infants in health insurance policies. Notice. Application.
- Sec. 38a-516a. Coverage for birth-to-three program.
- Sec. 38a-516b. Coverage for hearing aids for children twelve and under.
- Sec. 38a-516c. Coverage for craniofacial disorders.
- Sec. 38a-516d. Coverage for neuropsychological testing for children diagnosed with cancer.
- Sec. 38a-517. Coverage for services performed by dentist in certain instances.
- Sec. 38a-517a. Coverage for in-patient, outpatient or one-day dental services in certain instances.
- Sec. 38a-517b. Assignment of benefits to a dentist or oral surgeon.
- Sec. 38a-518. Coverage for accidental ingestion or consumption of controlled drugs. Benefits prescribed.
- Sec. 38a-518a. Mandatory coverage for hypodermic needles and syringes.
- Sec. 38a-518b. Coverage for off-label drug prescriptions.
- Sec. 38a-518c. Coverage for low protein modified food products, amino acid modified preparations and specialized formulas.
- Sec. 38a-518d. Mandatory coverage for diabetes testing and treatment.
- Sec. 38a-518e. Mandatory coverage for diabetes outpatient self-management training.
- Sec. 38a-518f. Mandatory coverage for certain prescription drugs removed from formulary.
- Sec. 38a-518g. Mandatory coverage for prostate cancer screening.
- Sec. 38a-518h. Mandatory coverage for certain Lyme disease treatments.
- Sec. 38a-518i. Mandatory coverage for pain management.
- Sec. 38a-518j. Mandatory coverage for ostomy-related supplies.
- Sec. 38a-518k. Mandatory coverage for colorectal cancer screening.
- Sec. 38a-519. (Formerly Sec. 38-174j). Offset proviso prohibited in certain policies.
- Sec. 38a-520. Mandatory coverage for home health care. Deductibles. Exception from deductible limits for medical savings accounts. Archer MSAs and health savings accounts.
- Sec. 38a-521. Home health care by recognized nonmedical systems.
- Sec. 38a-522. Medicare supplement policies. Coverage of home health aide service.
- Sec. 38a-523. (Formerly Sec. 38-174p). Group hospital or medical insurance coverage for comprehensive rehabilitation services.
- Sec. 38a-524. Coverage for occupational therapy. Definitions. Benefits.
- Sec. 38a-525. Mandatory coverage for medically necessary ambulance services. Direct payment to ambulance provider.
- Sec. 38a-525a. Preauthorization prohibited for certain 9-1-1 emergency calls.
- Sec. 38a-525b. Mandatory coverage for mobile field hospital.
- Sec. 38a-525c. Denial of coverage prohibited for health care services rendered to persons with an elevated blood alcohol content.
- Sec. 38a-526. Mandatory coverage for services of physician assistants and certain nurses.
- Sec. 38a-527. Mandatory coverage for partners, sole proprietors and corporate officers for work-related injuries.
- Sec. 38a-528. Long-term care policies.
- Sec. 38a-529. Mandatory coverage for services provided by the Veterans' Home.
- Sec. 38a-530. Mandatory coverage for mammography and breast ultrasound.
- Sec. 38a-530a. Mandatory coverage for breast cancer survivors.
- Sec. 38a-530b. Carriers to permit direct access to obstetrician-gynecologist.
- Sec. 38a-530c. Mandatory coverage for maternity care. Notice required.
- Sec. 38a-530d. Mandatory coverage for mastectomy care. Termination of provider contract prohibited.
- Sec. 38a-530e. Mandatory coverage for prescription contraceptives.
- Sec. 38a-531. (Formerly Sec. 38-174hh). Mandatory coverage for employees of certain employers. Approval of policy forms.
- Sec. 38a-532. (Formerly Sec. 38-262a). Assignment of incidents of ownership under group life, health or accident policy.
- Sec. 38a-533. (Formerly Sec. 38-262b). Mandatory coverage for the treatment of medical complications of alcoholism.
- Sec. 38a-534. Mandatory coverage for chiropractic services.
- Sec. 38a-535. Mandatory coverage for preventive pediatric care and blood lead screening and risk assessment.
- Sec. 38a-535a. Notification of individual coverage and benefits of a noncustodial parent to a custodial parent, when. Regulations.
- Sec. 38a-536. Mandatory coverage for infertility diagnosis and treatment. Limitations.
- Sec. 38a-537. (Formerly Sec. 38-262c). Notice of cancellation or discontinuation to covered employees. Fine. Notice of transfer of coverage. Failure to procure coverage. Retroactive coverage.
- Sec. 38a-538. (Formerly Sec. 38-262d). Continuation of benefits under group employee health plans.
- Sec. 38a-539. (Formerly Sec. 38-262f). Group hospital or medical expense insurance policy coverage for treatment of alcoholism on an outpatient basis.
- Sec. 38a-540. (Formerly Sec. 38-262g). Duplication of coverage under group health insurance policies.
- Sec. 38a-541. (Formerly Sec. 38-262h). Group health policy to allow spouse coverage as both employee and dependent, when. Effect of collective bargaining agreements.
- Sec. 38a-542. Mandatory coverage for treatment of tumors and leukemia. Mandatory coverage for reconstructive surgery, prothesis, chemotherapy and wigs. Mandatory coverage for breast reconstruction aft
- Sec. 38a-542a. Cancer clinical trials: Coverage for routine patient care costs.
- Sec. 38a-542b. Cancer clinical trials: When eligible for coverage.
- Sec. 38a-542c. Cancer clinical trials: Evidence and information re eligibility for. No coverage required for otherwise reimbursable costs.
- Sec. 38a-542d. Cancer clinical trials: Routine patient care costs.
- Sec. 38a-542e. Cancer clinical trials: Billing. Payments. Appeals.
- Sec. 38a-542f. Cancer clinical trials: Standardized forms. Time frames for coverage determinations. Appeals. Regulations.
- Sec. 38a-542g. Cancer clinical trials: Submission and certification of policy forms.
- Sec. 38a-543. (Formerly Sec. 38-262j). Age discrimination in group insurance coverage prohibited.
- Sec. 38a-544. Prescription drug coverage. Mail order pharmacies.
- Sec. 38a-545. (Formerly Sec. 38-262k). Group dental health insurance plans. Alternative coverage option.
- Sec. 38a-546. (Formerly Sec. 38-379). Continuation of benefits under group health policies.
- Sec. 38a-547. Termination of policy or contract due to insurer ceasing to offer health insurance in this state; maternity benefits to continue for six weeks following termination of the pregnancy, whe
- Sec. 38a-548. Penalty.
- Sec. 38a-549. Coverage for adopted children.
- Sec. 38a-550. Copayments re in-network imaging services.
- Sec. 38a-551. (Formerly Sec. 38-371). Definitions.
- Sec. 38a-552. (Formerly Sec. 38-372). Applicability. Individual and group comprehensive health care plans.
- Sec. 38a-553. (Formerly Sec. 38-373). Minimum standard benefits of comprehensive health care plans. Optional and excludable benefits. Preexisting conditions. Use of managed care plans.
- Sec. 38a-554. (Formerly Sec. 38-374). Additional requirements and eligibility under group comprehensive health care plans. Continuation of benefits under group plans. Insurance Commissioner's auth
- Sec. 38a-555. (Formerly Sec. 38-375). Additional requirements for individual comprehensive health care plans. Carrier obligations concerning termination of coverage.
- Sec. 38a-556. (Formerly Sec. 38-376). Health Reinsurance Association. Classes of risk. Audits. Insurance Commissioner's powers. Qualification as an acceptable alternative mechanism.
- Sec. 38a-557. (Formerly Sec. 38-377). Hospital and medical service corporations. Residual market mechanism. Insurance Commissioner's powers concerning such mechanisms.
- Sec. 38a-558. (Formerly Sec. 38-380). Office of Health Care Access.
- Sec. 38a-559. (Formerly Sec. 38-381). Commissioner of Social Services. Contract authority concerning Medicaid programs.
- Secs. 38a-560. Small employer grouping for health insurance coverage.
- Secs. 38a-561 to 38a-563.
- Sec. 38a-564. Definitions.
- Sec. 38a-565. Special health care plans.
- Sec. 38a-566. Health insurance plans or insurance arrangements covering employees of a small employer. Trusts. Trade associations. Self-employed individuals.
- Sec. 38a-567. Provisions of small employer plans and arrangements.
- Sec. 38a-568. Coverage under small employer health care plans and arrangements. Approval by commissioner.
- Sec. 38a-569. Connecticut Small Employer Health Reinsurance Pool.
- Sec. 38a-570. Issuance of special health care plans by the Health Reinsurance Association to small employers.
- Sec. 38a-571. Issuance of individual special health care plans by the Health Reinsurance Association.
- Sec. 38a-572. Requirement to provide service to certain low-income persons.
- Sec. 38a-573. Validity of separate provisions.
- Sec. 38a-574. Standard underwriting form.
- Secs. 38a-575 and 38a-576.
- Sec. 38a-577. (Formerly Sec. 38-174ii). Consumer dental health plans. Definitions.
- Sec. 38a-578. (Formerly Sec. 38-174jj). Certificate of authority. Application requirements.
- Sec. 38a-579. (Formerly Sec. 38-174kk). Certificate of authority. Standards for issuance and renewal.
- Sec. 38a-580. (Formerly Sec. 38-174ll). General surplus required.
- Sec. 38a-581. (Formerly Sec. 38-174mm). Evidence of coverage to be provided to enrollees. Approval by commissioner.
- Sec. 38a-582. (Formerly Sec. 38-174nn). Schedule of charges. Approval by commissioner. Appeal of disapproval.
- Sec. 38a-583. (Formerly Sec. 38-174oo). Records. Commissioner's power to examine; maintenance; preservation.
- Sec. 38a-584. (Formerly Sec. 38-174pp). Complaint system.
- Sec. 38a-585. (Formerly Sec. 38-174qq). Requirements re filing of annual reports with commissioner.
- Sec. 38a-586. (Formerly Sec. 38-174rr). False or misleading advertising or solicitation and deceptive evidence of coverage prohibited.
- Sec. 38a-587. (Formerly Sec. 38-174ss). Suspension or revocation of certificate of authority. Hearing. Appeal.
- Sec. 38a-588. (Formerly Sec. 38-174tt). Penalty. Insolvency.
- Sec. 38a-589. (Formerly Sec. 38-174uu). Confidentiality.
- Sec. 38a-590. (Formerly Sec. 38-174vv). Commissioner's power to adopt regulations.
- Secs. 38a-591 to 38a-594.
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